Monday, March 07, 2005

tomorrow’s pain, today’s hope

have you ever bit too much off of life? gone beyond you, grasping at divine complexity? clouds surround the sun, cutting off its light. in the rain and the hail, icy darkness turns every direction down. stepping too far into oneself is a dangerous thing. our frailty was never made to control eternity, only to live it. cobwebs of life past and future cloud reality until present fades in upside-down oblivion.

what does the future hold? i know. it holds the explosion of past mistakes and tragic failures. i must change this. i must change my future before it catches up with my past. but myself is something i cannot change. i am always me. i will never not be. this moment is doomed because it cannot predict the past or redeem the future. both are lost. how could i ever dream to accomplish what i once dared to hope? there is too much for me in this time i’ve been given. how could i my shoulds? incapable. inept.

strained eyes peering into the darkness of tomorrow turn blind. i can no longer see past this. confined here, a bizarre sight i see. there is something between i and then… someone i’ve been looking beyond. gone is the desire to embrace the dark. this light has captured my sight, and i cannot tear my eyes away from him. the future is now, and now is safely hidden in him, my life and my light. past redeemed, future sealed, present lived.

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