Tuesday, November 22, 2005

keep commenting!

one of my favourite things about having a blog is the ability to see comments people leave me. have no fear! if you leave a comment it will still eventually appear. unfortunately, due to mass advertising i now have to moderate my comments, so your wise and profound thoughts won't appear untill i have a chance to read them. but they will appear! i also had to take down the sidebar comments form because it was causing pop-up ads, and no one likes pop-ups except if it's a pop-up children's book. those are still pretty cool, but i wasn't able to integrate a pop-up children's book into my site.


Michelle said...

keith... you should just turn on the word verification feature, it allows for instantaneous appearance of comments by real people and stops commentbots from commenting. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd comment more if your blogs weren't so long. :)

meredow said...

thanks for commenting on my blog! i'll try and get the philosophies flowing more :) i agree with jodi that your blogs are awefully long, but once i get reading them it's so worth it. when are you writing a book?

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs, long or otherwise. I have such trouble at times writing a comment, that I'm really impressed by your long and meaningful (i.e. philosophical) entries. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

here's your neighborly reminder that it is 5 days until Jodi's birthday. This would be the perfect chance for a blog devoted to your best friend. :)

Anonymous said...

It is one thing to say "keep commenting" but I can't comment if you don't write! I suppose you have higher thoughts on your mind now...which is good...BUT....


~Heidi 8) ~ said...

ahh if you ever did you would be the coolest EVER!! lol I love those books!! so much cooler than a boring novel ;) oh I mean not a boring novel...just one that takes me ages to get through.
wheww almost got myself in trouble there.

Gareth said...

By "keep commenting" do you mean for us to keep your blog alive while you decide to "stop posting"?

Mike K said...

If you want us to keep commenting, you have to keep posting... I've been missing out on my philosophical doses lately. At least when I read it, my mind is able to start grinding away at the logic.

Anonymous said...

Okay seriously. I'm going to disown you as my friend if you don't stay home sometime so I can actually talk to you when I call. Where have you been and why don't you write super-long boring posts anymore?