Friday, March 11, 2005

the old guitarist

I took this picture at the Art Institute of Chicago. It could be my favourite painting of all time. I love blue. I think God must love it, too, because He painted the sky with it, but perhaps I'm biased.

In this painting I see a profound dialectic. On the one hand, the emancipated and contorted body and sorrow stressed during Picasso's 'Blue Period' stress deep suffering, likely inspired by the suicide of his friend, Casagemas, and the poverty and pain he saw in those around him and faced as a struggling young artist in Barcelona. This is the sorrow of the outcasts of society, the poor and the downtrodden that Picasso especially identified with during this time, as his sales had fallen sharply and he was forced to contend for mere survival.

On the other hand, this poor and blind guitarist is doing what he loves. Despite the misery of his situation, his world is transcended by the melodies of his instrument, his craft. In this sense, the blue of the painting also represents a sense of tranquility. No matter how painful our situation in life may be, if we are able to enjoy that which we love there is a peace that goes beyond the temporal situation.

As Christians, enjoying the One whom we love is our greatest joy in life, and the greatest hope we have. He has also blessed us with many simple sources of happiness and pleasure, including that of music. The pleasure and love we experience in this life is only a shadow of the bountiful blessings our Father of lights has in store for us. 

We, as Picasso during this time and even more so as our Lord, need to have an our eyes open for those who are poor, suffering, and neglected. When Christ was on earth, He viewed situations such as this man's blindness not as works of evil, but as opportunities for God to be glorified. We must do the same. Just as we have this treasure in jars of clay, so there is resonance of God's grace in each outcast and downtrodden sinner. Despite our sometimes-crooked posture and spiritual starvation, there is still order and beauty to our lives in Christ. 

As I gaze upon this painting, heartfully crafted by a young man who was about my age, I am reminded that God's strength is made perfect in my weakness, and that the melody inspired by my frail spirit is a beautiful symphony in the ears of my Lover. 

The Old Guitarist (1903)
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Red is best.