I cut my hair today. I’m not sure how masculine it is to cut one’s own
hair, but I do, and I like it. It’s saved me a lot of money over the
past few years. In fact, when I was in the dorm at Briercrest it became
quite a lucrative little business for me. In the end I was charging top
dollar for Keith Kuts (no, I did not actually have a name for it). This
probably had a lot to do with the fact that most people were too lazy
to go into Moose Jaw, and I knew it. Sam Walton has nothing on yours
Cutting hair is fun because it reminds me of those little pots that looked like faces that you could grow grass in. Eventually it got to the point that you could give them crazy green hair-do's, something I'm sure most of us secretly desired at one time or another.
It’s rewarding to see the dry, dead cells fall to the ground and the head regain a sense of symmetry and decency. I may not be able to order society, or bring justice to the people, but I can straighten a mop of hair. That is, if it falls within my specialized range of variation on the ‘Keith style.’
It’s like the sculptor, chipping away at a large rock until a beautiful marble statue is revealed from within, an exquisite work of art that was always there but took the master’s eye to reveal. It's like the way God chips away at our filthy sin and the dirt we cling to until he reveals us as a new creation, his beloved children.
Cutting hair is fun because it reminds me of those little pots that looked like faces that you could grow grass in. Eventually it got to the point that you could give them crazy green hair-do's, something I'm sure most of us secretly desired at one time or another.
It’s rewarding to see the dry, dead cells fall to the ground and the head regain a sense of symmetry and decency. I may not be able to order society, or bring justice to the people, but I can straighten a mop of hair. That is, if it falls within my specialized range of variation on the ‘Keith style.’
It’s like the sculptor, chipping away at a large rock until a beautiful marble statue is revealed from within, an exquisite work of art that was always there but took the master’s eye to reveal. It's like the way God chips away at our filthy sin and the dirt we cling to until he reveals us as a new creation, his beloved children.
though, my hair cutting is nothing like that at all. Analogies are
useful, but affirmative theology only goes so far. Analogy is the only
language we’re left with when discussing the Person of God outside of
reference to the revolution of Christ's humanity. Ana-logos: word
beside word, or, in this case, word beside Word. Our
linguistic tools are vain and pure artistry when left on their own to
articulate spiritual substance. Their only redemption from pure
mythology is in the reality they point to within our own spiritual
experience. This is what gives our words truth in relation to spiritual
matters. This is how we express spiritual truths in spiritual words.
"He who has ears, let him hear." No wonder Jesus referred to himself as
the Bread of Life, the Living Water, the Good Shepherd, the True Vine.
No wonder he spoke in seemingly silly stories. Everyone who has will be
given more, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
from him. You have to know him to hear him, so to speak. He who belongs
to God hears what God says. The Spirit of truth guides us into all
Praise God that his Spirit is at work in everyone, that his Word does not return void… That his Word through us and in us does not return void.
Praise God that his Spirit is at work in everyone, that his Word does not return void… That his Word through us and in us does not return void.